Teamsters Local No. 59 – Scholarship Information

Umberto "Battle" Cruz and Ashley P. Freitas Scholarship Fund

Download & print the application here.

We are happy to announce that due to the generosity of our members, we are able to maintain our scholarship awards at fifteen (15) $1,000.00 scholarships, through the Umberto "Battle" Cruz and Ashley P. Freitas Scholarship Fund. Six (6) scholarships will be given to students entering college and nine (9) scholarships to students already enrolled in college.

Application forms can be obtained at the Union Office and should be filled out completely. Application forms will also be available at our general meetings in March and April. You may download the rules and application from our website (see below).

Our officers have appointed the following Scholarship Committee:

Joseph S. Finnerty
Former Director of Housing, New Bedford, MA

William Q. MacLean, Jr.
Former Senator, State of Massachusetts

David J. Ferreira
Former Superintendent-Director, Old Colony Reg. Voc-Tec High School

Application forms must be filled out and returned to the Local No. 59 Union Hall at 27 South Sixth Street, New Bedford, MA 02740, by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 25, 2025.

Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of a drawing at the regular monthly meeting on Sunday, May 18, 2025.


  1. Applicants must be dependent children, stepchildren, or legally adopted children of qualified members, excluding Union Officers and Employees.
  2. Qualified dependents of Local No. 59 active members in good standing are eligible to apply, including those members in good standing that have received a withdrawal card within one year of the deadline for applications, due to layoff, illness or injury.
  3. Applicants must be under age 24 at the time of the deadline for applications.
  4. Applicants must be full-time students attending a University College or Junior College accredited by the Federation of Regional Accrediting Commissions of Higher Education. These institutions are listed in Accredited Institutions of Higher Education, published by the American Council of Education.
  5. Qualified applicants are eligible to apply one time per year, not to exceed four years.
  6. First year students will receive their scholarship upon proof of acceptance into the second semester.
  7. Scholarship money will be awarded directly to the applicant, unless we have been notified to forward it to the College.
  8. Graduate students are not eligible to apply.
  9. The name of one alternate will be drawn in each classification.
  10. Application forms must be filled out and returned to the Local No. 59 Union Hall at 27 South Sixth Street, New Bedford, MA 02740, by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 25, 2025.
  11. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of a drawing at the regular monthly meeting on Sunday, May 18, 2025.
  12. Scholarships will not be issued to applicants that fail to meet all of the above listed requirements.

Download & print the application here.

Good Luck and Best Wishes.

Fraternally yours,

George F. Belanger
Secretary-Treasurer & Executive Officer
Teamsters Union Local No. 59

Issued annually in January.
Please contact the Union Office for an Application.
Issued annually in January.
To apply, please visit the online application site at:
James R. Hoffa Scholarship, issued annually in January.
To apply, please visit the online application site at:
Greater Southeastern Massachusetts Labor Council, issued annually in February.
Please contact Local 59 for scholarship information.
