About Teamsters Local No. 59 

Teamsters Local 59 Union Office
Teamsters Union Local No. 59 is an established Union serving Greater New Bedford, Cape Cod and the Islands, representing members in a wide range of trades, from the public sector to private industry.
This Union represents workers in all types of job classifications such as maintenance, ferry transportation, package car drivers, truck drivers, laundry, airport employees, textile, clerical, teachers, police officers, housing, custodians, production, warehouse, freezer, construction, building materials, public sector, (town and county employees in the water, sewer, DPW, clerical), bus drivers, marine industry, mechanics, dispatchers, service, as well as many others, since 1933.
Teamsters Local 59 has a staff that is committed to serving its members. The Union has (2) full-time officers and an executive board of (1) vice president, (1) recording secretary, (3) trustees serving a range from 2 employees to hundreds of employees. In addition, the Union has (2) full-time office staff to assist our members on a daily basis with Union business, pension, and credit union.
Teamsters Local 59 also is committed to the community through supporting the schools in our area through ads and supporting numerous charities.
View the Teamsters Union Local No. 59 Executive Board & Staff